Richmond / Presidio | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩

Richmond / Presidio

金门大桥的南锚, the verdant, scenic Presidio, 巧妙地回收了Crissy Field, and the Civil War-era Fort Point are just a few of the attractions in the northwest corner of town.


The Presidio

普雷西迪奥有高耸的桉树,是一个2.8-square-mile former military base reborn as part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Artists like Andy Goldsworthy have created huge natural installations throughout the park that delight visitors, 除了令人惊叹的景色 Golden Gate Bridge. The refurbished red brick military buildings at the Presidio are now restaurants, hotels, and attractions, including 华特迪士尼家庭博物馆 (蒙哥马利街104号). The 普雷西迪奥游客中心 (林肯大道210号)是公园探险的起点, 凭借其引人入胜的展品和知识渊博的员工.



Discover the many different ways to explore one of San Francisco's largest, most historic, 还有最迷人的受保护的绿地.

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The Richmond

里士满区有一座大型艺术博物馆, a city park, stunning mosaic steps and San Francisco’s de facto second Chinatown on Clement Street. Legendary Green Apple Books (克莱门特街506号)欢迎所有年龄的读者. 外里士满展示了 Legion of Honor 博物馆(第34大道100号),另外还有 Lands End and Lincoln Park 远足,打高尔夫,欣赏美景.


这个地区有很多吃饭的地方. Presidio的特点 Presidio Social Club (鲁格街563号)及 Sessions (1 Letterman Drive). The Richmond District, 搭配各种点心, 韩国和泰国餐厅, is also home to some of the city’s best places for wallet-friendly and delicious eats.

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